"Tsuburaya Production" is the name of the production which produced Ultraman hero series.
Tsuburaya P is a NicoNicoDouga producer who creates Ultraman + MMD remix videos.
Since The 4th MMD cup is taking place, he submitted the following hillarious video "MikuTra".
Tsuburaya-P doesn't always create Ultraman series- this one is pure MMD video and it's awesome!
However most of the vids are Ultraman series:
Mikutraman (parody of Ultraman)
Mikutra Seven (parody of Ultra Seven)
Mikutraman (parody of Ultraman)
Mikutra Seven (parody of Ultra Seven)
Ultraman Monster dance video series
A monster dances KirameKirari
Monster dances Do-dai
A monster dances KirameKirari
Monster dances Do-dai
Monsters dances Lavi!
Monster Battle
Last but not least... Tsuburaya P made this video introducing the history and evolution of MMD.
It started as a simple 3D tool with Miku's model to make Miku dance, added object feature for her to carry things, added more Vocaloid models, added a feature for users to create and add models, added physical engine, etc... It's amazing.
It started as a simple 3D tool with Miku's model to make Miku dance, added object feature for her to carry things, added more Vocaloid models, added a feature for users to create and add models, added physical engine, etc... It's amazing.
You can see the full list of the videos introduced in this vid here