Mr. Housuke Nojiri (producer name in NicoNicoDouga is Shiri-P), a science fiction writer is famous for his love of NicoNicoDouga.
Recently he won the SF prize (Seiun-shou星雲賞) for his SF novel "Peer Peer Douga from South Pole (南極点のピアピア動)". (Congratulations Nojiri-sensei!!)
A NicoNico user LK074 (his producer name in NicoNicoDouga is Chosaku-ken Bibiri-P 著作権ビビリP which means scared of the copyright) saw the lyrics of a song in the novel and created a music that goes with that lyrics for Nojiri-san, Mr. Takehiko Nadearahe - the professional artist who drew the pictures for "Peer Peer Douga from South Pole" provided the original picture and Chosaku-ken Bibiri-P created a video.
So I think we can say the following videos are peer production of a bunch of creators including professional and award-winning author using the NicoNicoDouga as a platform to create a content. I think this is AWESOME! The title "PeerPeerDouga" has its origins from "Peer Production" in the first place :)