I found the videos introduced in this post very cool so I'd like to reintroduce it here as the videos weren't embedded in the post: "Recently motion graphics is attracting attention in NicoNicoDouga? 最近ニコ動でモーショングラフィックスが注目され始めてる?[ja]",
"KineticTypography" is a video using OP music of an anime called Toradora and uses moving letters and illustrations to create the video.
Same creator made a similar video with Haruhi OP.
This one is AMAZING...! It was not in the original post but was recommended to be added in the comment section. I love it!
This one is was made by a student as a graduation project.
NicoNicoDouga all stars video
FLASH★BOMB'05(This was released back in 2005!)
"How to make a typical flash movie"
Lupin the 3rd PV
IdolM@ster PV that doesn't use IdolM@ster original source:
...and many more!