Probably, many of you have seen OK Go's PV of "Here It Goes Again" on YouTube- it is a very popular video viewed over 45 million times.
This is the NicoNicoDouga remixed version of OK Go promos:
1)Hare Hare Yukai (Suzumiya Haruhi)
This is the original Hare Hare Yukai btw:
2) Motteke Sailor-fuku (Lucky Star)
This is the original Motteke! Sailor-fuku
3) Chilno's Perfect Math Lesson (Touhou)
4) Nihon no Mikata (Yajima Beauty Salon)
I think this is a very interesting because usually PVs' popularity fades away when newer ones comes out,
but this movement is bringing in a new wave of attention to an old video which was uploaded on 2006/7/31!