On 9/19-9/21, a user-driven event within Nico Nico Douga called "VOC@LOIDM@STER festival" took place.
Fans of VOCALOID (Hatsune-Miku, Kagamine-Rin/Ren etc), and IDOLM@STER got together to upload videos which includes both vocaloid and idolm@ster contents.
This is a list of VOC@LOIDM@STER festival participating videos.
This is a video of a mixture of:
character = Miku(VOCALOID) + FL-chan (character of a DAW software FLStudio)
3D CG character = Kio- Miku
music = "my song" (Miku)
vocal = Miku
Stage/PV style= IM@S
This is a video of a mixture of:
character = Miku / Rin / Ren (VOCALOID)
background video: Google Earth
music = "Go My Way!" (IM@S)
vocal = Miku (vocaloid)
character = Haruka/Iori/Yayoi (IM@S)
video = IM@S
music = "Electro World" (Perfume, idol singers)
vocal = Miku (Vocaloid)
This is a video of a mixture of:
character = Miku / Rin / Haku (VOCALOID)
3D CG tool: MikuMkuDance
music = "IDOLM@STER" (IM@S)
vocal = IM@S
Stage/PV style= IM@S
This is a video of a mixture of:
character = Miku
3D CG software = XSI (used for IM@S)
music = "Do-Dai" (IM@S song)
vocal = Mami (IM@S)
Following 5 videos should be considered as a series :)
1) Original music "KOKORO" made with Rin (Vocaloid)
2) "KOKORO/KISEKI" , answer song to "KOKORO" made with Ren (Vocaloid)
character = Yayoi (IM@S)
video =IM@S
vocal = Rin (VOCALOID)
character = Yayoi/Yukiho/Haruka (IM@S)
video =IM@S
vocal = Ren (VOCALOID)
character = Yayoi/Yukiho/Haruka (IM@S)
video =IM@S
vocal = Rin / Ren (VOCALOID)
Original "Hikyo Sentai Urotanda-" song by KAITO/MEIKO/MIKU (Vocaloid)
Gumin Sentai Harukakka - parody of "Urotanda-"
character = Haruka (IM@S)
video =IM@S
music = "Urotanda-" Vocaloid original
lyrics = Haruka (IM@S)
vocal = KAITO/MEIKO/MIKU (Vocaloid)
NicoNicoTechTeam video!!
character = Rin(Vocaloid)
3D CG tool =MikuMikuDance
Voice adjustment:MikuMikuVoice
music = i (IM@S)
vocal = Asami Shimoda (she is voice actress f Ami/Mami of IM@S and Rin/Ren of Vocaloid)
The real fun of this video starts at 1:43...
If you are interested in other style videos, check out here: