Ikuzo Yoshi(IKZO) is a 56 years old professional enka (traditional) singer.
Nicochus started to remix one of Ikzo's old songs (and is about a farmer) to various modern songs.
The huge gap between this old / rural IKZO songs and modern / urban music created an interesting harmony...
Here are some of those remixes.
Get Wild (TM Network)
Travelling (Hikaru Utada)
Saishu Kichiku Noufu
Lucky Star
Denki Groove
Dragon Quest
This one is remix with orchestra
IKZO remixes are also called "NOCALOID", "No" means farming, and CALOID comes from VOCALOID.
Many people started creating NOCALOID videos, and someone even created IKZO button.
If you go to this link, and push the button, you will get the common phrase that are used in most of those videos and if you play it with another music, you can create a remix music.
Usually those activities gets banned as they are illegal, but IKZO is going to collaborate with Nico Nico Douga...!
When I went to an event organized by Dwango called Nico Nico Daikaigi, I saw IKZO gave Dwango flowers as presents- we thought he wasn't feeling bad about this phoenomenon... and he wasn't!
Quote from an article on ASCII
Yoshi-san (IKZO) says "what young people comes up with is so interesting" when he heard about IKZO in Nico Nico Douga. "I am greatful that many people are enjoying (my songs). In whatever way, it is good that the music keeps being sung in the next generation."
He not only permitted to use the music, but also decided to be involved in creating ringtones etc.
Here you can see him doing the recording.
He even proposes in this video to do a nation-wide event if there are good remixes from Nicochus..
Hmmm amazing understanding and genersity!