Phun is an amazing software, created by professor Emil Ernerfeldt and his students at VRlab(Virtual Reality Laboratory) of Umea University in Sweden.
You can draw squares and circles instinctly, and because you can set parameters such as gravity, weight, balance, strength, material (liquid or solid) etc extremely easily, it enables you to think, play, simulate various things.
A while ago, every time a visitor comes to my office, I used to let them try out Phun for 5 minutes and they LOVED it.
Manuals are not needed a it is sooooo instinctive. Very cool. And it's FREE.
You can download the software from here
This is a demo movie;
Nico Nico creators found and picked it up very quickly and started to make amazing Phun videos. There are 607 Nico Nico videos tagged "phun"
There is a Japanese TV show called Pitagora- switch, this is a Phun version of that- called Nico Nico Switch.