One of the nico nico users' favorite video series is Fuchagi family.
Actually a professional singer (and one of my favorite singers) writes on her blog that she loves Fuchagi family too :)
Fuchagi is the name of a cat, and the story starts with the little baby kitten Fuchagi coming to Nushi's house.
"Nushi or UP-nushi" is a NicoNico word- it means "the person who uploaded this video".
This comes from the fact- that in general, Nico nico world is an anonymous world and usually people do not reveal their real names, and do not show their faces. Nushi is used for anyone who uploads videos.
Moreover, in general Japanese internet world is more anonymous than English internet world although people who reveal their real names and faces seems to be increasing.
The audience really enjoys watching Fuchagi grow.
You can see the digest video of Fuchagi story here:
Then one day- Nushi hears a cat crying- and found another baby kitten.
He starts to take care of her and named the kitten Elisabeth.
He decides to take care of her as well, and named her Luna.
Elisabeth had her babies and the "Fuchagi family" has grown even larger.
And recently Luna had her babies too!
It's really amazing to see this baby kitten becoming a mother of 6 kittens now!
Fuchagi family has become so popular that Nushi got to publish two books already :)
Chiro's book
Fuchagi and Elisabeth's book (with DVD)
And the 3rd book is already being planned- this time it will be a book on Elisabeth and her 6 babies.
I think many of the Japanese people loves to see people, artists, pets grow
as you can see from Tamagocchi etc :)
More on this in the future posts.