That is a question that businesses who have been helped by you in the past can answer - Qbat aka Larsen
You help me the most when you focus on startups/other tools that actually HELP me in what I do each day. Lots of startups don't - they're amusing, but they're not a big help. What startups out there are building business support tools - from individuals/freelancers to larger businesses - that work well and do interesting things? The more of these you highlight, the more value you have (for me, anyway). - Trent Hamm
You help businesses by keeping the video interviews of new stuff coming =) I have been introdused to many nice tools , like FriendFeed, through you Scoble.. keep up the good work - Qbat aka Larsen
On a serious note, though, what is the easiest/best way to document one's plan for a new web-based startup? Have the domain and the germ of the idea but not much more - Aaman Lamba
First off Robert you pin Dean Powers, Jason Cronkhite and myself into completing our plan for an emerging social media strategy meeting, where anyone interested from building43 can contribute (Dean has some excellent ideas how to crowd source it). Next up you let the community fill out a manifesto with some guidance from folks that have a vested interest in seeing it come alive (yourself, building43'ers (us)). After that I suggest taking a stackoverflow template ( and set it up helping to connect social media/web geeks and business folks that are interested in learning. Finally you have a focused elance/type of job board for connecting social media experts/consultants with businesses with some type of certificate/backing from the building43 community. - Mark Essel
Jeff Clavier / Tim O'reilly / 僕 / Dave Winer / Evan Williams がフォローしている人達を比較して、僕が学んだことをディスカッションしよう。
@jeff is Jeff Clavier, well known Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist. @timoreilly is Tim OReilly who runs O'Reilly Publishing. @davewiner is Dave Winer is a famous developer/innovator. @ev is Evan Williams, Twitter CEO. @notsecretscoble is my account where I've hand picked about 800 to follow. - Robert Scoble
1. Jeff is most like me. Very geeky, but he has far fewer people he's following than the others. - Robert Scoble
2. Tim O'Reilly follows lots of government people and brands, which matches what he recently told me, that he's trying to learn more about Washington DC. - Robert Scoble
Looks like this might become a compelling conversation. - David Damore
3. I also compared @ev (Ev Williams, Twitter's CEO). His used to match much more closely Dave Winer's or Tim O'Reilly's accounts, but now has many more movie stars and celebrities. - Robert Scoble
4. There are a lot of commonalities between all these accounts. - Robert Scoble
5. On my account if I couldn't tell you a story about the person, I didn't add them. Most of the people on my following account I've met face-to-face. - Robert Scoble
6. Most of the others follow a lot more brands than I do, both news brands like the New York Times, as well as other brands. I like following people more than brands. - Robert Scoble
What else would you like to know? - Robert Scoble
7. I am more convinced than every that the inbound people pay attention to DOES define who they are. - Robert Scoble
What is one insight you have pulled from those you follow? - David Damore
David: that following people you've met face-to-face is more enjoyable than following just 100,000 that you haven't met. - Robert Scoble
David: and that keeping the inbound (IE, people you follow) down to people who REALLY add value to you, makes the signal MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH higher. - Robert Scoble
I agree with number 7. I also like to keep my twitter full of people I mostly know, have met or want to meet. - Luke Kilpatrick
Your follows will be mostly US-based people, and wherever you visit, then? - Aaman Lamba
Washington DC? He picked a complicated enough place to learn about. - Dean Clark
I have two screens, one with the 100,000 and one with my 700 hand picked followings and, damn, the two aren't even close to in the same league. - Robert Scoble
be. careful. robert. all that testosterone is a DANGEROUS thing! - jeneane sessum
those 99k are a lot of extra noise... A threshold level of relevancy is hard to get from those you don't know. - David Damore
Aaman: not true. I've been all over the world and have people all over the world in my list. - Robert Scoble
Robert I agree with the face-to-face part. Thats what makes tweetups so great. You get to meet the ones you follow and vice versa. - Bryan Lee
David: yeah, but I don't think the noise is due to not having met them. It's due to something else. - Robert Scoble
David: even on my list there are some who provide GREAT value and some who just are, well, noisy. - Robert Scoble
David: I think there's an 80/20 rule going here. 20% provide 80% of the value, and the fact that there's a lot of commonality shows that most of us recognize that value pretty quickly. So there is something to popularity (real popularity, not the fake kind as granted by the Twitter Suggested User List). - Robert Scoble
David: Dopplr? If I keep it up, that is. TripIt is my favorite travel app. - Robert Scoble
というわけでTwitterとFriendfeedは競合というよりも別のサービスであり、どちらも面白いよなあと思っている今日この頃でした :)