Creative Commons Announces New Vice President and General Counsel
Virginia RutledgeさんがCreative Commonsの Vice President 兼 General Counsel に就任しました。
CC の 法律問題、アート関連のイニシアチブを取り、そして米国を含む世界中のアート/文化関連の組織との
ニューヨークの法律事務所 Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP で知的財産権、アート、エンターテインメント、
独禁法、証券、商法関連の案件を扱ってきた経歴を持ち、クライアントはTime Warner Inc.,
Warner Music Group や Warner
Bros.、そして New Line Cinema等のメディア及び音楽関連業界だったそうです。
News of Rutledge’s appointment has been well received within the legal and arts communities. “I applaud Creative Commons for its inspired choice of Virginia Rutledge as Vice President and General Counsel,” said copyright expert William Patry, Senior Copyright Counsel, Google Inc. “Virginia’s background in academia, the art world, and the white-shoe corporate law firm environment is unique. Her ability to forge consensus, her love of learning and commitment to the public interest will serve Creative Commons and the rest of us exceedingly well.”
“Creative Commons couldn’t have made a better choice,” said Joel Wachs, President of The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. “Virginia has deep knowledge of contemporary art practices and institutions, and the practical experience of working within a highly competitive corporate culture. She will do an excellent job of helping to build relationships between communities that have a common interest in promoting vibrant cultural production and exchange.”