Digg Flash API Contestのファイナリスト10人が公開されている。
Digg Chartsが1383Diggで二位。
Flex Application Leading Digg API Contest
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Digg Flash API Contestのファイナリスト10人が公開されている。
Digg Chartsが1383Diggで二位。
Posted at 09:12 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
先日ID統合の話をブログに書いたけれどInternet Identity Workshopなんていうワークショップがあったとは知らなんだ。
Flickr Photo Credit: Thermistor (click link to see full view of map)
Posted at 08:39 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
マッキンゼーがSecond Life内ビジネスコンテスト、賞金US$20,000を開催。
Posted at 08:33 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
先週はFacebook Platformのローンチが英語のブログ界の話題をかっさらってました。
Facebookを3rd party applicationが利用できてmonetizeもできるということ。
“Every once in a while a platform comes along that allows people to build a completely new application — sometimes even starts new industries,” is Zuckerberg’s message.
これはよろしいですな。自分で好きな広告を入れることができ、広告収入を自分で確保することができる。Third-party applications won’t be treated like second-class citizens on Facebook, he says; users can add them to their profiles and drag them and drop them to their content. Applications can use Flash, JavaScript, and Silverlight if a user approves them. Outside applications can issue unlimited notifications to users, and fit into the Facebook environment by accessing a “friend selector” that spits out each users’ connections.
Now Zuckerberg says you can serve ads on your app pages and keep all the revenue, sell them yourselves or use a network, and process transactions within the site, keeping all the revenue without diverting users off Facebook.
3rdパーティはMicrosoft, Amazon, Slide, RockYou, Box.net, Red Bull, Washington Post,
Project Agape, Prosper, Snapvine, iLike, PicksPal, Digg, Plumを含む60社。
Facebook is giving an unprecedented amount of access to developers. The API would allow, for example, a third party to recreate Facebook Photos, the most used photo application on the web. Users could then remove the default Facebook Photos and install the third party version instead.
Applications can serve their own ads and/or conduct transactions with users. Ads can basically be shown anywhere that Microsoft ads are not currently shown.
There will be a special applications area on Facebook where users can browse and add third party apps. But there is also a crucial viral component - when a friend adds an application, it is noted in their news stream on their profile. Clicking on the item brings you to the app, where you can add and/or interact with it yourself.
Users will also be adding applications to their site, where others can click and add it to their own profile. The apps will essentially look like any other Facebook application.
developers get deep access to
Facebook’s twenty million users,だけでなくFacebook also becomes a rich platform
for third party applicationsというwin win構造になっている。
Notes from Zuckerberg Keynote:
Facebook is growing 3% per week, which is 100,000 new users per day.
The fastest growing demographic is the 25 and up age group.
50% of registered users come back to the site every day.
Talking about how Facebook opened up registrations last year, and launched News Feed.
Facebook is generating more than 40 billion page views per month. That’s 50 pages per user every day.
6th most trafficked site in the U.S.
More page views than eBay. Says they are targeting Google next.
Applications: photos, groups, events. Plug into profiles. Use all the real connections people have
Their photos app is by far the number one photo site on the internet.
Events: similar story. 3x more ppeople invited to events thru facebook than evite.
Says these apps work so well because of the “social graph” - a network of connections through which people share information with friends.
The news feed feature in particular allows information to be pushed out through the social network to more people, faster than any time in history.
Deep intergation, significant freedom to monetize via ads and transactions.
One start-up, which claims to have had its best day ever (using the sign-ups, traffic and growth as metrics), has had to add server capacity twice to keep up with demand that is being generated by the Facebook community, and they are still scrambling to add more capacity, emailing contacts to get some extra servers.
●じゃあ実際どんなthird party appsがあるのかというとFacebook Platform: 30+ Awesome Applications for Facebook
partyアプリの一番人気は音楽のiLikeで40,000人のFacebook usersが使っているようだ。
競合 MOG も人気で5位だが3,000人が利用。
Causes On Facebookはトップ20に入っていて1,000人が利用.
●ジェネレーションギャップの問題は常にあるものです。Facebook generations
●さて、SilverlightとPopflyの記事をずっと書き損ねてますがPopFly and Facebookということで
Today we saw another great use of Silverlight and Popfly with Facebook.
●Prediction: Facebook will be the largest social network in the world
Posted at 08:29 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
インターネット上にデータを保存する「ストレージ」を利用し、ユーザーが自分のCDなどの音楽データを保存、いつでも携帯電話にダウンロードして聴ける サービスの提供が著作権侵害に当たるかどうかが争われた訴訟の判決で、東京地裁(高部真規子裁判長)は25日、著作権侵害に当たるとの判断を示した。
訴訟で同社は「実質的にデータ複製や送信をするのはユーザー自身。不特定多数への送信はしておらず、著作権は侵害しない」と主張したが、判決は「システ ムの中枢になるサーバーは同社が所有、管理しており、同社にとってユーザーは不特定の者。複製と公衆(不特定多数)への送信の行為主体は同社だ」と判断。 協会の許諾を受けない限り、著作権を侵害すると認定した。
つまり、オンラインストレージサービスおよびそれに類するあらゆるサービスの運営業者はJASRACに音楽著作物の利用許諾を申請した上で、利用料を保存 されるファイルに対して支払わないとダメだということです。しかも判決内容をよく読むとこれは特に音楽著作権に限った話ではなく、著作権に関するあらゆる ものに対しての判決っぽい。一体いくつのサービスが閉鎖するのか、週明けからとんでもないことになる予感がします。
と思ったら、 高部真規子 - Google 検索 してみると、IT関連の訴訟で、物議をかもすおかしな判決を出す裁判官として有名な人らしい。どおりでね。
Posted at 05:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
生放送できるし、録画できるので録画放送もできる。(video sharing siteと同じ)
blogTV: A platform for Broadband Broadcasting
複数のカメラでもやれるらしい!3Gvideo phoneでも?
Posted at 09:37 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
People searchの重要性を紹介している。
I agree.人の名前を聞くとすぐgoogleするのが癖になってたけど
people searchがもうちょっとこなれてきたら
Posted at 09:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
What I Learned
If it’s any help to other entrepreneurs, here’s what I’ve learned.
- Make no assumptions when it comes to roles and responsibilities. Like my dad says: “Someone’s gotta call quittin’ time.”
- Communication between partners is mandatory. And you cannot communicate with someone who is not communicating with you.
- Decisions aren’t decisions if you have to keep making them. Set on the course and stick to it. If you keep talking about things that have already been decided, nothing will ever get done.
- When someone says one thing, but acts in a contradictory way, you have a choice between believing their words or believing their deeds. Believe their deeds.
- Never let anyone tell you what you want. When someone says, “You don’t want that,” what they really mean is, “I don’t want you to have that.”
- Don’t stay where you’re not wanted, respected, or happy. Even if it’s your company.
Posted at 08:59 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Blinkx がLondon Alternative Investment Market
(AIM) でIPOし、時価総額$355 million
It raised about $50 million.
Posted at 08:41 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)