Does YouTube Mean Legal Trouble for Google? @Businessweek
Todd Dagres, general partner at Boston's Spark Capital, says that Google's large market cap of $130 billion makes it much more vulnerable to lawsuits than a private company such as YouTube. "Once Google starts to apply its monetization machine, there is going to be more money at stake and people are going to go after it," says Dagres. "You cannot monetize other people's content without their approval."
That's just what YouTube is trying to get. Hours before announcing the sale, YouTube executives said they had struck content deals with CBS (CBS), Universal Music Group, and Sony BMG, the partnership between Sony (SNE) and Bertelsmann. Each lets YouTube distribute approved copyrighted content from its partners in exchange for a share of advertising revenue. YouTube has similar agreements with General Electric's (GE) NBC and Warner Music Group (WMG).
ただ、YouTubeは一日1億個以上のビデオを配信しているマンモスサイト。。。。2割のコンテンツホルダーが訴訟を起こしたらやばいと言われているがYouTubeの規模だと2割どころじゃない。(てゆーか一日一億ストリームってはんぱじゃない。。。)YouTube streams more than 100 million videos a day.
"YouTube is where it is because it was a little bit naughty," says Dagres. "Now they are going to have to remove the naughty. And if they become nice, will people still be as attracted to them?"
Chad Hurley, CEO of YouTubeへのPre-Google インタビュー@FT
Hurley And Chen Interview, Post Google-YouTube Sale @The Hollywood Reporter
Really, in the last week or so, we saw the possibilities of combining forces with Google. What really helped accelerate discussions was the opportunity to operate independently.
"Google Sprawl" Must Be Faced By Founders@The New York Times
That helps explain the motivation for a YouTube deal. But with the stable of talent that Google has built, why not develop its own YouTube?
Its engineering teams have, after all, created services, including Google Calendar, Mail and Spreadsheet as well as language translation technology built into Google’s search engine. More than a dozen services — including Google Video, Google Maps and Google Desktop Search — have come from the company’s advanced research arm, Google Labs.
But those creations are complemented, if not overshadowed,
by its acquisitions. Still, except for Google Earth, not one has become
an unqualified success or market leader.