トップニュースもCnet Japanのブロガー注目記事もこの話題でもちきり。
Ignored by YouTube, News Corp. Seeks Compensation From Google (The Wall Street Journal)
Google CEO Eric Schmidt and vice president of ad sales Tim Armstrong are set to meet with News Corp. executives this week to discuss new ways of working together. Fox Interactive President Ross Levinsohn confirmed the visit, saying: "If we can figure out the ways to work with them or integrate with them, that could be really good for us."
Google only just reached a landmark search agreement with the News Corp. social network. Under that deal, Google will power the search engine's FIM units MySpace, IGN and others, and the companies will share the ad revenue. But Google's purchase of YouTube presents both an opportunity and a potential competitive threat for social-networking juggernaut MySpace. YouTube and MySpace compete directly for users of video content. However, YouTube also gets a substantial share of its audience from MySpace users, who link to YouTube videos on their pages.
ただ、News Corp.的には、ずっと前にYouTubeを買いに行ったら「売ってませーん」と言われたにも関わらず
で、烈火のごとく怒ったNews Corpは「うちのMySpaceでYouTubeへのリンクができなくしちゃうぞお!」なんてことまで検討しちゃったらしい。
News Corp. executives may still be smarting from the way it was stonewalled by YouTube. When the media conglomerate asked, YouTube said it was not for sale. When news of the Google acquisition broke, News Corp. asked for an opportunity to participate in the deal somehow, but YouTube didn't respond. In reaction, executives discussed the possibility of dropping YouTube links from MySpace. Assuming that Google's relations with the social-network's owner are still good, there could be a lot riding on the meeting this week.
Digital Media Buyers Love GoogTube Merger
Some industry watchers are struck by the potential clout YouTube will give an already powerful Google. "When Google invested in MySpace, they made [Fox Interactive Media President Ross] Levinsohn look amazing, and they got [Viacom CEO and one-time MySpace suitor Tom] Freston fired," said Renny Gleeson, managing director of Carat Fusion's New York office. "Now, with YouTube, Google poses a great threat to agencies and networks. Instantly they're looking at a massive amount of inventory."
Google in $900m ad deal with MySpace
GoogleはMySpaceの広告rev shareのギャランティ$900m(2010年まで)
Googleは$1.65 billionでYouTubeを買収
ちなみに動画共有サイトのシェア的にはYouTube47%MySpace Videos22%Google Video11%
MySpace dealでMicrosoftに競り勝ち
AOL dealでもMicrosoftに競り勝ったと。
AOL dealは$1bnですわ。