Big Media Gets a Second Life
WiredもCNetもロイターもSecond Lifeの中にプレゼンスを作り始めたという話。
On a 1-acre lot, you'll find the digitized headquarters of Wired magazine.
CNET Networks (CNET), on Sept. 26 unveiled its own five-story, glass-and-brick office structure in Second Life. The building is an exact replica of the company's headquarters in San Francisco, and it's set amid vast lawns overlooking Second Life's blue ocean. Look closely at that ocean and you'll see the island purchased by British news giant Reuters (RTRSY), which made its Second Life debut on Oct. 16.
Virtual economies attract real-world tax attention
Users of online worlds such as Second Life and World of Warcraft transact millions of dollars worth of virtual goods and services every day, and these virtual economies are beginning to draw the attention of real-world authorities.
。。。とは言われ尽くしてきてる。特にSecond Lifeは無視できないレベルまで来ちゃってる。
Second Life, for example, was specifically designed by San Francisco-based Linden Lab to have a free-flowing market economy. Its internal currency, the Linden dollar, can be converted into U.S. dollars through an open currency exchange, making it effectively "real" money.
Inside Second Life, users can buy and sell virtual objects from T-shirts to helicopters, develop virtual real estate, or hire out services ranging from architecture to exotic dancing. Up to $500,000 in user-to-user transactions take place every day, and the Second Life economy is growing by 10 to 15 percent a month.
However, there are probably some on Capitol Hill who won't require much explanation. "I can almost guarantee that there are some members of Congress spending time in Second Life or World of Warcraft," he said.
(For more coverage of Second Life, where Reuters is opening a virtual news bureau, go to
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